
วันจันทร์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Breeding Waxworms form wiki

Waxworms are incredibly easy to breed. Any plastic or glass container will work. Any size bigger than 2 1/2 gallons will work. The bedding in the container should be a mixture of bran and honey. Calcium powder can also be added for further gut loading. Fresh apples, oranges, and leafy greens can be placed inside the container to further increase nutritional value. Several fresh twigs should be included in the habitat as well.

The waxworms will begin to turn into pupa in about 2 weeks, a little sooner if kept at a higher temperature. The lid should be a fine plastic mesh, and fine metal mesh, or cloth secured very well, such as taping. The pupa will hatch as moths. The moths will mate, lay eggs and die. New larva will be born from the eggs. To produce more, leave some of the larva in the breeding container. To store as food, place some of the bran/honey mix in a small plastic container in the fridge which will slow down the growth rate.


